


Lesson 19  Danny’s winter clothes

一 .Teaching Objectives and Demands:

1.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson.

2.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue the present continious tense.

        3.Student can understand read say and practice the phrases:put on and take off.

二.The Importance and The Difficult point:

1.The important:Practice the dialogue.

2.The difficult point:present continious tense.

三.Teaching Aids:

1.some pictures

2.some vocabulary cards

3.audiotape and the tape recorder

四.Allocation of time: one course

五.Teaching steps:

  Step 1.Organizing the teaching


2.Sing an English song.

Step 2. Revision:

1.Review “inside”and “outside”with a game.Use phrases such as:He /She is inside /outside the classroom.

2.Play “Simon Says” to review feelings the Ss have mastered (happy,mad,scard,sick,tired and especially hot and cold.)

  Step 3.Key concepts:mittens(mitts),scarf, put on__  take off ___


Demonstrate the new vocabulary with real mitts and a rea; scarf as the teacher saying phrases such as:It’s winter. I’m cold! I want my mitts.Now I’m putting on my mitts.

2.Student book:

a.Note the short form of “mittens”:mitts.Most English speakers say mitts.

b.Note the question and answer “why?Because __” in this lesson,When does Danny say it?

          c.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.


a.Give commands to practice the new vocabulary and other vocabulary:Put on your scarf./Take off your jacket./Put on your mitts,/Take off your hat.

          b.Play “Dress up”to practice pronouns,colours and clothing including “mitts”and “scarf”.

         六.Students’ activity:

1.Sing an English song.

2.Daily dialogue.

3. Play “Simon Says”.

4.Play “I say, I do.”

  5.Imitate the dialogue of the lesson.

  6.Practice the dialogue with a whole class.


Lesson 19  Danny’s winter clothes

    I’m going to put on my jacket.

    I’m doing……/