


Lesson 27  Christmas  Gifts

一 .Teaching Objectives and Demands:

1.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson.

2.Student can understand read say and practice the drills:What would you like? I would like ….

二.The Importance and The Difficult point:

1.The important:Practice the dialogue.

2.The difficult point: I’m going to give them something special from China for their Christmas tree.

三.Teaching Aids:

1.some pictures and a toy Santa

2.some vocabulary cards

3.audiotape and the tape recorder

四.Allocation of time: one course

五.Teaching steps:

  Step 1.Organizing the teaching


2.Sing an English song.

Step 2. Revision:

1.Play “Never, Never” to review adverbs of frequency.Use phrases to review other vocabulary the Ss have mastered and woll see in this lesson: umbrella, buy, rainny and snowy.

Step 3.Key concepts: Santa, something, thing


a.Demonstrate “Santa” with poster or toy Santa showing Santa,Note the capital letter at the beginning of the word.

a.     To demonstrate “thing” and “something” assemble several groups of objects each group a different colour. Lead a dialogue such as:

 T: (Point to the green objects)This pen is green.This shoe is green.This apple is green.These things are green.Say it ,please.

 S:These things are green.

 T: (Point to the red objects) These things are red.What colour are these things?

 S: These things are red.

 T: Very good! (Walk around the room looking for something) Hmm. I want something blue.Where is something blue?Here is something blue.Say it please.

 S:Here is something blue.

2.Student book:

a.Remind the Ss what a department store is.

            b.What do the Ss think LiMing wants for Christmas?

c.Play the audiotape as the Ss follow in their books.

2.     Practice:

a.     Play “I see something”.

b.     Play “Santa” to practie “thing” and “something”.

         六.Students’ activity:

1.Sing an English song.

2.Daily dialogue.

3. “What’s day is today?” to review the vocabulary..

4.. Play “Never, Never”.

  5.Imitate the dialogue of the lesson.

6.Play the game “I see aomething”to practice the words of Christmas.

            7. Play the game “Santa”.


Lesson 27  Christmas gifts

 Gift        something       thing

 Santa       special
